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How is it that two people of the same age, gender, and height can eat the same foods and be equally active, but one gains weight while the other loses it?

The answer is Metabolism.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. The number of calories your body

uses to carry out these basic functions is known as your basal metabolic rate or Metabolism.

Factors Affecting Metabolism:

  • Body size: larger people have a higher metabolism than smaller people. That's because they have more cells.

  • Body composition: The body is divided into 2 parts- fat and fat-free mass OR lean body mass (bone, muscle, organs and fluid). Every kg of lean body mass burns about 30 calories while a kg of fat burns only 4. As your muscle mass increases so does your metabolic rate as metabolically speaking muscle cells are very active.

  • Gender: Men have a higher rate of metabolism than women.

  • Age: As you age there is a tendency to lose some muscle mass. This is due to hormonal changes which cause some muscle loss. Also, damage that is caused by wear n tear is not repaired as quickly as you age which results in some muscle loss.

  • Activity level

  • Food choices: Low-fat diets tend to result in poor hormone production which leads to a slower metabolism. Cutting your calories too much for too long can mower your metabolism as the body tried t compensate for lower calories.

  • Hydration: Over 70% of bodily functions take place in water – not enough water causes all your systems to slow down and unnecessary stress.

  • Genetics: Some people have higher metabolisms than others – you can’t change genetics but you can still win the battle!

  • Hormone production and function: Think you have a slow thyroid? it’s not likely – before you go blame it on the thyroid first stabilize your blood sugar and throw in some progressive exercise 2-3 times each week.

  • Stress: Stress also can slow metabolism by placing extra stress and strain on numerous systems. plus, many people tend to overeat when “stressed out”.

How to Boost Metabolism?

1. Implementing Regular Strength Training

Due to its muscle preservation and building effects, weight training can significantly elevate the metabolic rate. In fact, just one moderate to a high-intensity weight training session can boost your metabolic rate for up to 12 hours. When your metabolic rate is elevated, you will burn more calories during any given activity, even at rest.

2. Track and plan your meals.

Plan what you eat, and eat on a regular schedule. It helps you avoid poor food choices that are easy to make when you’re hungry. Keep track of how you eat. Write down everything you eat and drink. Count up the calories you eaten at each meal and snack. Then use this data to decide if your portions are the right size. Check to see if you are eating a variety of foods. You might find that making a few small changes will help you eat healthy.

3. Taking Moderate Amounts of Caffeine

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can greatly increase your metabolic rate after consumption. It also enhances your body’s ability to burn fat, which can ultimately speed up weight loss.

4. Eating Protein-Rich Foods

Regular intake of protein is also necessary for burning fat efficiently and maintaining muscle mass, which plays a critical role in metabolism and weight management.

5. You have to clock enough sleep for your metabolism to function properly

Yes, it can be hard to tear yourself away from the internet at bedtime, but it’s worth it. When you are sleep-deprived, your body can produce more cortisol [a stress hormone], which interferes with your blood sugar control.

Role of CGM

CGM can provide information about how different foods, medications, sleep, stress and activities affect blood sugar levels and metabolism. By seeing these patterns and trends, people can make adjustments to their diet, exercise and overall lifestyle.

Content Credits

Dr Sheetal Badami



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