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Privacy Policy

1. Privacy Policy 

Dietosure understands the importance of confidentiality and privacy regarding your information. Please see our Privacy Policy located on our website for a description of how we may collect, use and disclose your personal information. By accepting these Terms, in addition to any other applicable privacy notices, you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy.


2. Privacy Related To Your Information

2.1. Information We Receive

The information we receive about you (which we refer to collectively as your "Personal Information") includes Registration Information, Feedback Information, Data Services Information, Use Information and Derived Information.

2.1.1. "Registration Information"

is information you are required to provide in order to register with us when you register with Dietosure in connection with your use of a Product or Service. This information may include your name, address, telephone number, email, goals, medical information, nutrition and activity level and other contact information, as well as information regarding your use of Dietosure Products and Services.

2.1.2. "Feedback Information"

is information you submit to us in connection with your use of Products and Services, whether through our Website, through our Data Services, or otherwise, regarding  Dietosure Products and Services, or other matters relating to us and our business, including the metadata relating to that information. 

2.1.3. "Data Services Information"

is the information we receive and transmit through our Products and Services, including:

Glucose readings - Information associated with each glucose reading, including date, time, and device identifier;

Health & Activity data: You may be able to combine your account with other party applications that integrate with Apple Health or Google Fit, as well as other 3rd party health data providers such as Fitbit, Samsung Health, etc. 


If you want to do so, we may contact you to ask for your permission to access Personal Data about you that has been collected by Apple or Google, as well as by third-party applications. We will not be able to access this information unless you give us permission.


The Dietosure app servers will only provide and store data if you opt to integrate your  Dietosure account with Apple Health or Google Fit.  Dietosure will sync only the information you have granted permission to Apple or Google, and will not sync any other information. 


2.1.2. "User Information"

is the information we receive from the computer, mobile phone or other devices you use in connection with Dietosure Products and Services, and information we receive from those Products and Services regarding your use, which may include your IP address and other information regarding your computer, your internet service, the browser you use, and your activities while using Dietosure Products and Services, such as how often you open Software Apps, your settings and other activity regarding your use of the components of Dietosure Products and Services;


2.1.5. "Derived Information"

is information that we create by combining and/or analyzing some or all of your Personal Information.

2.1.6 "Other information"

If any of the Personal Information described above does not reveal your specific identity or relate directly to an individual, we may use such "Other Information" for any purpose, except where we are required to do otherwise under applicable law. If we are required to treat Other Information as Personal Information under applicable law, then we may use it for all the purposes for which we use and disclose Personal Information.

2.2. Your Rights and Responsibilities

If you would like to review, correct, update, suppress, or delete the Personal Information that you have provided to us, you may update such information maintained in your User Account on our Website or contact us at In your request, please make clear what Personal Information you would like to have changed, whether you would like to have your Personal Information suppressed from our database, or otherwise let us know what limitations you would like to put on our use of your Personal Information. For your protection, we may only implement requests with respect to the Personal Information associated with the particular email address that you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before implementing your request. We will try to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable. Please note that we may need to retain certain information for record-keeping purposes and/or to complete any transactions that you began prior to requesting such change or deletion. There may also be residual information that will remain within our databases and other records, which will not be removed. You must comply with the terms of the Agreement.

2.3. Use of Information

2.3.1 Registration Information

‍ We use Registration Information to manage your account and Dietosure Products and Services applicable to you, and as otherwise described below. We also use your email address to contact you regarding your account. We do not make any Registration Information public. We will use your User Account and Registration Information to link your use of Dietosure Services and Software Apps with your use of Dietosure Products, and it may be accessible by our personnel providing Dietosure Services.


2.3.2 Feedback Information

Feedback Information may be used by us and provided by us to our customers and third parties, in the form you provide as well as in excerpted, aggregated and anonymized forms, with or without attribution to you as the source. We may also use Feedback Information in our advertising, marketing and other communications with the public and in our business relationships, as well as in our internal communications, in each case with or without attribution to you as the source.


2.3.3 Data Services Information

‍ We collect Data Services Information and store it on our servers, process it using Data Services, and transmit it to the User and each Designated Recipient, where applicable. We may use Data Services Information in connection with our provision of Data Services and for our operations, administration and product development, maintenance and support. Specifically speaking about health and activity data if permitted by the user, Dietosure will leverage your workout, sleep, and step information to automatically construct activities for you. The  Dietosure app also incorporates parameters such as heart rate, sleep, steps, and workout activities, which are displayed in relation to glucose reaction in the app itself.


‍We may remove information that identifies you from Data Services Information, and we may use such de-identified data for our business purposes as we determine, such as research and development, product improvements, business operations and process improvements, marketing purposes, including disclosing such de-identified data to third parties for their use as we determine.


2.3.2 Use Information

We collect Use Information and store it on our servers, process it using our systems, and analyse it for our business purposes. We do not disclose to third parties any Use Information that can identify you (except as permitted in this Privacy Policy), but we may remove information that identifies you from Use Information, and we may provide such de-identified Use Information to third parties as we determine for their use.


2.3.5 Derived Information

‍We may use Derived Information to determine information, including Solicitations (defined in the next section), to be sent to you, the public or to targeted groups, and for our business purposes in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Privacy Policy.

2.3.6 Personal Information and Solicitations

‍As permitted by applicable law, we may use Personal Information of you and your Designated Recipients, if applicable, to determine which emails and notices we send to you and your Designated Recipients, if applicable, including emails and notices regarding opportunities relating to our Products and Services (we refer to these emails as "Solicitations"). You may opt-out of Solicitations by contacting us by email at or by mail at the address listed in the "Contact Us" section below, and you may opt-in again through one of those contacts. We will try to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable. Please keep in mind that if you opt-out of receiving marketing-related emails from us, we may still send you important administrative messages, from which you cannot opt-out. As permitted by applicable law, we may share your email address or other Registration Information with third parties with which we contract for the purpose of providing you with Solicitations we think may be of interest to you. You may opt-out of our sharing of your information with third parties for these purposes by contacting us by email at or by mail at the address listed in the "Contact Us" section below.

2.3.7 Personal Information and Your Dietosure Experience

‍ We may use Personal Information to manage our Products and Services, including the Website, to improve our business and provide new website and product and service features, and to otherwise manage our business, but without disclosing your Registration Information except as necessary for such purposes.

2.3.8 Other Third Parties

‍ In the ordinary course of our business, we will share Personal Information with companies we hire to perform services or functions on our behalf. We will not authorize those third parties to keep, use or disclose your Personal Information except for providing the services we have asked them to provide. We may provide your Personal Information to another company in conjunction with a corporate sale, merger, acquisition or dissolution involving Dietosure.


2.3.9 Law Enforcement and Legal Proceedings

‍ We will use and disclose Personal Information as we are required to do by applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence, and may disclose Personal Information when requested by law enforcement authorities or regulatory agencies, including public and government authorities outside your country of residence, or when we determine that such disclosure is appropriate under the circumstances. We may use and disclose Personal Information to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you or others; to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; to enforce this Privacy Policy, and to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.


2.3.10 De-Identification

‍ We may "de-identify" your Personal Information by removing information that could identify you, and we may use such de-identified information for any purpose, except where we are required to do otherwise under applicable law.

2.3.11 Other Uses

‍ We may use your Personal Information for purposes other than those permitted in this Privacy Policy but only after you consent to such use. 



3. Consent to Use of Telemedicine Services

1. As part of the Services on the Platform, Dietosure will facilitate the connection between you and the Medical Practitioner. Telemedicine services involve the delivery of healthcare using electronic communications, information technology or other means between the Dietosure and a patient who are not in the same physical location. While the provision of telemedicine services may offer certain potential benefits, there are also potential risks associated with the use of telemedicine services. 


2. You acknowledge that you have been provided with the necessary information and based on the same, you provide your consent, authorization for the Medical Practitioner, associated doctors, assistants to provide remote telehealth services, including the use of the Platform offered by Dietosure. You understand that you may withdraw your consent and discontinue treatment at any time. However, Dietosure may not provide you with the Service in such cases. Dietosure may suspend your account or terminate your access to the Service if you withdraw consent. You acknowledge that the Dietosure has informed you of alternative methods and therapies to the proposed treatment/intervention, their respective benefits, material risks and disadvantages if any. You understand that the proposed telemedicine treatment has certain material risks/complications, and have been provided with the requisite information about the same, including that there are other undefined, unanticipated, unexplainable risks/complications that may occur during or after the proposed treatment/intervention. You also confirm that Dietosure has answered all questions to your satisfaction regarding the proposed treatment, however, that despite best efforts there can be no assurance about the results or outcome of the proposed treatment/intervention and that you have not been given any guarantee or warranty about the results or outcome of the proposed treatment/intervention.


a. In rare cases, information transmitted may not be sufficient (e.g., poor resolution of images) to allow for appropriate healthcare decision making by the Medical Practitioner;

b. Delays in evaluation or treatment could occur due to failures of the electronic equipment. If this happens, you may be contacted by phone or other means of communication;

c. In rare cases, a lack of access to all of your health records may result in adverse drug interactions, hypoglycemics events, allergic reactions or other judgment errors;

d. Although the electronic systems we use will incorporate network and software security protocols to protect the privacy and security of health information, security protocols can fail or be breached, causing a breach of privacy of personal health information.


4. By accepting these Terms, you acknowledge that you understand and agree with the following:

a. Although you may reasonably expect the intended benefits from the use of the Services, no benefits or results can be guaranteed or assured.

b. You understand that the laws that protect the privacy and security of health information may apply to aspects of the Services, and you have read the Privacy Policy, which describes these protections in more detail.

c. Dietosure may determine that the Platform is not appropriate for some or all of your needs, and accordingly may elect not to facilitate telehealth services to you through the Service.


5. You undertake to report any instance of non-compliance of applicable law, as part of the consultation with Medical Practitioner, interaction with Wellness Coach and other processes or systems on the Platform, including the Ethics Regulations and Telemedicine Guidelines at the earliest to Dietosure and provide your fullest cooperation and support to fulfil reporting obligations applicable to us.


6. Wherever applicable, your use of our Platform in addition to these Terms and the Privacy Policy is also governed by the contract entered into between you and your Medical Practitioner.

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